Monday, February 11, 2013

My Take on Science Fiction

To me science fiction films are films that have a scientific and futuristic element to it. Usually whenI think about sci-fi, I think of computers and technological advances that have either progressed humanity or caused it to fall apart. I also think that science fiction serves as either a warning or a glimpse into the future. Just my two cents.


  1. Good point about sci fi sometimes serving as a warning about the future. Your post is a little on the short side, however. Elaborate what some of the movies warn about. Surely it's not a simple as "technology is bad."

  2. Is technology always used as a bad thing though? Like in the movie we are watching, "Things to Come," the government that has integrated technology is the one that is more forward thinking and progressive than the one that has shunned technology. I agree with Boswell in that it is not as simple as "technology is explicitly good or bad." I think that the more important part of sci fi is not the technology (or another catalyst) that affects humanity, it is the result of that catalyst--whether it improves or damages humanity that truly matters.

  3. Well oftentimes science fiction focuses on the future, I don't think that this is always the case nor is it a rule. Just look at Dr. Who... a good portion of that takes place in the past...

  4. I agree with Maria’s assertion that Sci-fi either serves as a warning or a positive outlook, but must weigh in that even when looking at the future in a negative light, there is sufficient positivism. It’s always technological advances and great inventions that make or supposedly make our lives better, when realistically looking at the future, the future looks more and more like it will be a barren toxic wasteland. I guess I just wish that the sci-fi genre was more critical of their critic.

  5. I disagree with technology possibly creating a downfall in humanity or causing it to fall apart. It seems like many Sci-Fi films use the advanced technology to thier advantage in a war-like state that the enviroment of the film is usually in.
